From the beginning, God the Father’s heart has always focused on looking after those who need rescuing or need bringing back in. It is God’s will that not one of them should perish or be denied entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven. This parable has been told from a couple of different perspectives – according to two different Gospel writers. In Luke the focus is on the lost sheep. In Matthew it is on the ‘little ones’ who have strayed from God. In all cases though, the motivation is about the Father’s love and his Son’s compassion and their determination to bring them back, create reconciliation and restore this relationship. Back to the flock – into the fold. And it is clear in all cases – God celebrates and rejoices when this happens. Such is the Father’s heart. And we know Jesus as the ‘Good Shepherd’ who retrieves them and brings them all in. And they never do give up. Not on any of them – not a single one. God never stops looking. And Christ went to the cross with a resolve to never give up – not until God’s purpose and plan was accomplished. Until everyone on this earth was saved. Or at least had that opportunity to be saved. So, if someone does wander off – the call of the ‘Shepherd’ remains – to search for those missing, to help turn their lives around and reconcile with God. Maybe like Christ we should never give up – they just might return to the Kingdom and God’s fold someday.
Focus Questions
*Who do you see as the lost sheep, or the ones who have strayed in our world?
*What can the Church do to help bring them back to God and into the Kingdom?